Intense pulsed light (IPL) hair removal clinical study (clinic experience )For our Elight02
Medical knowledge> Plastic Surgery> intense pulsed light (IPL) hair removal clinical study
The hair have the beauty function, but the excessive hair growth will impact the aesthetics, to patients with mental disorders, most of them demands for hair removal . Since July 2005 ~ October 2006, our department with intense pulsed light (ipl)treatment for hair removal in different parts of the patient, more effective, are reported below now.
1 Materials and Methods
1.1 General Information
78 patients in this group are from beauty clinics, including 18 males and 60 females, aged 6 years to 45 years of old, Average 24 years old. Hair removal parts: 25 cases of axillary, limbs in 32 cases, 12 cases of upper lip, chest in 1 case, 5 cases of lower back, the amount of hair in 2 cases, former full Division 1 cases. All patients were healthy, the body was no active infection, 10 thousands is not used in wax hair removal , within 1 month , never use chemical agents for hair loss , no scar history.
1.2 Elight02 Equipment: The intense pulsed light treatment, two treatment head, one sapphire ipl handles with 640NM inside ,15x50big spot for hair removal , another elight handles 12x30spot with 5 changeable filters (480NM-1200NM,530NM-1200NM ,590NM-1200NM ,640NM-1200NM ,690NM-1200NM ) Mainly treatment for hair removal . acne . pigmentation . vascular lesion, pulse interval of 10ms ~ 50ms, spot size: 12mm × 33mm and 15mm × 50mm ).
1.3 IPL Treatment (IPL operation process )
Cut down the hair until to 1mm ~ 2mm, clean the treatment area of the skin, routine disinfection, this group of patients before treatment were not using anesthesia, treatment energy to patients with mild tingling, can be tolerated for the degree, patients and health care personnel must wear protective glasses, hair removal area will be evenly coated with a special coupling agent(cooling gel) 1mm ~ 2mm thick, and then hair removal treatment handle and parallel to the skin treatment area and maintain 1mm ~ 2mm distance, the spot overlap is less than 5%, ice with hair removal District 30min later, apply moisturizer, no stimulation (no alcohol and acid) of the nursing help products, during treatment to avoid the sun, can sunscreen.
1.4 determine the standard of the efficacy [1]
Count the hairs per square centimeter area of the hair density, root number, efficacy index = (pre-treatment hair density - the density of hair after treatment) / pre-treatment hair density × 100%. Determine the efficacy of the treatment after six months to determine criteria: cured: efficacy index> 79%; markedly: efficacy index of 60% to 79%; progress efficacy index of 20% to 59%; invalid: efficacy index <20%. Efficiency = (number of patients cured + number of cases markedly effective) / total cases × 100%.
2 results
Table 1 in different parts of the treatment of intense pulsed light hair removal and treatment energy
Cases were completed in 78 cases, with the increase in the number of hair treatment and tapering, lighter color, hair density decreased, all the hair removal hair removal treatment in patients with 3 to 6 times (including axilla, forehead, comprehensive department, limbs 3 times 4 times, upper lip, back, chest 4 to 6 times). Skin and reddish hair removal treatment, without any treatment, 2h ~ 8h subsided after, 3 patients were the limitations of the water shed area skin blister, the size of 0.5cm × 0.5cm ~ 0.6cm × 1.3cm, and external fluid by puncture epidermal growth factor, 5d ~ 10d after the healing, healing of skin pigment is slightly better, no treatment, 3 months after recovery. Patients with no obvious other parts of pigmentation or hypopigmentation complications. 6 to 12 months after the patients were followed up for 80% of the basic hair loss, the hair less than 5% of the students, but the new hair becomes sparse pale, valuables and not obvious.